
2023 Construction Industry Salary Report

Explore this report for industry insights.

Take the 2024 Survey

Our 2024 salary survey is now open! Register now to help us build out our 2024 salary report. You will receive a copy of the new report once it becomes available this fall. Your participation gives us the data we need to provide valuable insights around compensation and benefit trends. Submissions can be made through June 28, 2024.

About the Report

This complimentary report is a useful tool for contractors to measure their employee compensation against industry peers and prepare their strategies for the years ahead.

The report covers a range of topics impacting construction industry professionals, including:

  • Comprehensive salary and benefits data for executives and industry specific personnel
  • Trends in salary and bonus structures
  • Salary differentials by revenue size and geographic region

If you’d like to see reports from previous years, please email

Stay in Touch

To be notified when the 2024 Construction Industry Salary Survey opens, please sign up for our mailing list.

If you’d like to see reports from previous years, please email